Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cape Tribulation - north of the Daintree

We set off bright and early - 8.00 a.m. - to beat the crowds on the ferry crossing from south to north of the Daintree River. Drove straight on to the barge that is cable winched across the short distance and then it was off the other side to explore the Cape Tribulation area.
First stop was the Waluwurrigga Alexandra Range Lookout, which due to all the cloud, was a total white-out so we continued on to the Discovery Centre for a coffee in their canopy cafe. By now the rain was pretty heavy, so we saved the boardwalk for later, and drove slowly through the very scenic 35kms to Cape Tribulation, past the few tiny hamlets tucked in the rainforest, that provide accommodation and basic services. Cape Tribulation is the furtherest north you can go on a sealed road, without a 4WD. We were expecting a small settlement but there is nothing there, just a (would-be stunning on a nice day) beach where the "rainforest meets the reef", one of the few places in the world where the tropical rainforest comes right down to the beach. After a dash through the drizzle to the lookout, and a couple of snaps, we meandered our way back, stopping at the Daintree Icecream Company to test the day's flavours - yellow sapote, wattleseed, raspberry and passionfruit. Absolutely delicious, and it was fun to then wander around the exotic fruit orchard checking out the actual fruit trees, including the Davidson plum (which gives a very tangy flavour!). By now the rain had stopped, so we were able to picnic at the start to the Jindalba Boardwalk, which was a good after-lunch walk through some stunning thick rainforest, all the time attempting to spot a cassowary with no success! Managed to get some pretty good views of Port Douglas, the Low Isles etc at the lookout on our way back to the ferry.

Back across the Daintree and back to the Oaks for a laze around the pool. J and Mum then walked along Four Mile Beach to the town end which was a good stride through increasing drizzle, so by the time we got there were a little wet to do too much shopping!

J and Grumps offered to babysit so Mum and Dad headed out to The Beach Shack, a local restaurant with a sandy floor. A delicious meal of baby squid, swordfish and other seafood!

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