Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tjapukai experience

After another slow morning, and with the day very overcast, we decided to experience some aboriginal culture so hopped on the bus through to the Tjapukai Cultural Park. First up, we headed down to the Cultural Village to the Bush Foods show, where we learnt about plants traditionally used for foods and medicines.It was then down for some boomerang throwing. Everyone had 3 throws, and all the TREBS except Mum did really well at getting their boomerang to return. Dad was especially good and we were pleased we were inside a net cage when his boomerang returned right around and hit the cage! From there we watched a spear throwing demonstration before heading to the Magic Theatre so the kids could get their faces painted. Looking like little aborigines, and feeling pretty proud of their boomerang throwing abilities, we then went to a show in The Creation Theatre, depicting the spiritual and traditional beliefs of the Tjapukai people. This was followed by a dance performance, again very traditional and spiritual, but with some audience participation that had us singing an aboriginal song and had Tom and Rosa up on stage. The show also included a demonstration of lighting fire with two fire sticks. A didgeridoo demonstation was next, although we didn't get to try this out until we hit the Gift Shop and Dad and the kids gave it a whirl. Finally, we went to a show in the History Theatre, which was a film outlining the effects of modern man's impact on the 40,000 year old aboriginal culture. It was a pretty sobering reminder of how badly indigenous cultures were treated during colonisation. Having all really enjoyed the Tjapukai experience, it was then back on the bus to Trinity Beach, and a quiet night for all.

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