Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Last Post

Well, here we are having a quick bite to eat in the Melbourne International departure lounge before we board our flight back to NZ! Today was a typical 'last day on holiday' day where we didn't rush out the door and wanted to savour every last bit of the warm tropical temperatures and our last few hours in Australia. Our flight from Cairns to Melbourne was uneventful with the kids enjoying some on-board entertainment, and we arrived 3 1/2 hours later in Melbourne, exiting the plane to a 10 degree blast of a cold southerly (to give us a taste of what's to come!). The last 46 days have been amazing and we have loved sharing it with you all. There are so many great memories and moments that we have had on tour and our blog, diaries and photos will keep these alive for years to come. As they say all good things must come to an end, and as our boarding call comes over the loud speaker I guess this is it. So, this is TREBS on tour signing off!!
Lots of love Tom, Rosa, Ed, Ben (aka Dad) & Sarah (aka Mum)

1 comment:

  1. Wait! I've got one more comment for you! What a blast, what fun, what an experience, what a cool family trip! Can't wait to hear where the next one is going to be...
    See you soon, x Griggs
