Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Carnarvon to Sapphire

Lovely waking up amongst the bush with the birdsong. Ed and Mum did a quick walk up to the lookout, then it was packing up and off just up the road to the Baloon Cave, a quick side walk among fan palms to a sandstone overhang with stencilled Aboriginal rock art. We then walked into the Rock Pool, carved out by past floods but it was a bit chilly for a dip. Back into Pearl and back out to the main road - good on ya' Pearl as it was a bumpy ride! Headed on to Springsure for lunch, then through to Emerald where we stopped for info, groceries and to photograph the world's largest replica of Van Gogh's sunflowers sitting on a 25m high easel, there because the region is a major sunflower producer. We also drove past lots of cotton fields so stopped to pick some from the side of the road so the kids could see what their T-shirts and shorts are made of! Made it to Sapphire, in the Gemfields region, for the night. The Gemfields are 900km2 of rich sapphire fields, with a few ramshackle townships. The Sapphire/Rubyvale area is also the last surviving cattle common in Australia, and sure enough we saw cattle just roaming the streets. Parked up in one of the free overnight rest areas for the night and 40c in the BBQ for some good outback beef.

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