Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fantastic Fraser Island

Having been talked into taking a guided tour to Fraser Island we set off with Mark, our hilarious fair dinkum Ozzie tour guide in a 10 gear 35 odd seater truck at 7.30 am. The truck was full and first stop was Inskip Point to catch the barge across to the largest sand island in the world. Well we didn't really stop it was a quick skid across the sand and a bump up the ramp and by the time we hopped off the truck we were half-way on our 10 minute crossing. The exit was in similar fashion and soon we were cruising up the beach of Fraser Islands east coast at 80 km/hr. The TREBS were riding in the back seat and taking the biggest bumps as we tore along between surf and sand dunes, all the time listening to our comedic guide. What a beautiful beach - golden sand for as far as the eye can see with the surf crashing in from the east. Soon we were at Eurong Resort for a quick cuppa and muffin then off up the coast again. Next stop was the Maheno ship wreck (named after Maheno, Otago) where we had a photo stop then, with Rosa riding front seat, we headed to the Pinnacles, an area of coloured sand formations. From here Tom navigated us from the front seat back to Eli Creek where we waded up the creek into the bush before lunch back at the resort. We drove past a couple of dingos on the beach and saw another one later in the day, again on the beach. After lunch it was inland on a rough sand track through an incredibly old kauri and satinay forest (huge trees) with 2000 year old ferns before we found ourselves at Lake McKenzie. This is a beautiful, crystal clear fresh water lake amongst the forest. We all had a swim here and gave ourselves a good rub down with the ultra fine sand before heading home. We only just made it back before the incoming tide ate us for dinner, thanks to some skilful driving by our guide. What a magic day on a magic island - from endless beaches to sand dunes to subtropical rain forest and beautiful lakes. Wow!


  1. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Looks like you had an awesome time on Fraser Island. Lake Mackenzie looks amazing, its so clear(it must be really hot to go swimming!!)
    It is still cold here, we even got a frost!!
    Do the Dingos Bite???
    Keep on Blogging
    From your friend Susie

  2. Loving your blog!
    sounds like you are all having an amazing time.

    Steph, Kev and boys x
