Tuesday, June 1, 2010

SeaWorld spectacular - Tuesday 1st June

Everyone woke early this morning in anticipation for a big day at Seaworld. We navigated our wee rental car and ourselves successfully down the Gold Coast to get to Seaworld on opening. First stop was Al Baloneys sea lion show which was a hoot and then off to Bert and Ernies gig where we were clapping and jigging to some great music with Big Bird, Elmo and the gang. Next stop was the Dolphin spectacular - wow, these guys were professionals (the dolphins!) with some awesome aerial acrobatics and great tricks. That was enough of the shows for a while and we headed off to find ourselves a scary ride. It wasn't long in coming in the shape of the Vikings Revenge Flume. The whole family went for it but it proved to be a bit much for Ed who spent the rest of his 'ride time' at Sesame Street doing the helicopter, truck, plane rides as many times as he could. Next stop was the Bermuda Triangle where we all got soaked then went and had lunch with the Pirates Unleashed. These guys were flipping and diving all over the place (almost as good as the dolphins) and had the right amount of Rrrrrrrr to keep the kids happy. After a bit of feeding and watering we were ready for some more scary rides, so off to Jet Rescue it was. Dad, Rosa and Tom were at the front waiting in anticipation for the action. It started extremely fast and got faster on the way round - we did most of the ride sideways waiting to hit the rocks with our heads and were fairly relieved to get onto solid ground at the end. Rosa had had enough adrenalin for the day and went to join Ed at Sesame Street while Tom and Dad hit Sea Viper for some real rollercoasting action. We couldn't get enough of this and went to find mum who had a cool ride. On Toms 5th circuit Dad convinced him to take a front seat which proved the icing on the cake. With still 3 hours til closing it was off to the sting ray pool, shark aquarium (impressive!), back for more dolphin action, rides, rides and more rides. Phew! By closing we were pooped and all ready for another early night, before we hit Hollywood........


  1. Hey Davidsons. Trip sounds very cool so far - can't believe you were doing all this cool Seaworld stuff just yesterday. Very jealous of you all in your lovely hot summer clothes as it continues to tip down here in Marlborough. We are sodden! Have a wild and crazy time at those Theme parks. Did you do the Superman ride Tom at Mworld?
    cheers, Toe

  2. Great you have checked out our blog Griggs. Tom did the Superman ride 3 times, he and Herb were first in the queue at the start of the day so blasted out at the front!! Set the scene for the day! Hope the rain eases up soon......
