Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Horseshoe Bay Day Two

Another relaxing morning though on the beach by 10.00 to make the most of the good weather. Got out the double kayak for the kids to enjoy while we soaked up the rays on the beach. It was early afternoon by the time we headed to the pool before back to the unit for a late lunch. Mid-afternoon we set off down Horseshoe Beach to walk to the end - quite a stroll - then back via the lagoon. Saw lots of butterflies in the trees on the way back. Enjoyed the early evening on the balcony before choosing Noodies for a delicious Mexican/Spanish meal, the kids enjoying the entertainment of fire dancers on the beach during dinner. Unit 4 in the background of this photo of Rosa on the rope swing.


  1. Hi Suzie,Libby and Ellie thanks for your message. Hope your having a good time. By the way I did go on wild west,scooby-doo spooky ride and lethal weapen but my fave was SUPERMAN ESCAPE. From Tom,Rosa and Ed

  2. Hi Jack hope you had a good Birthday and get better soon!!!!By the way the snake that I touched was a Olive pythen and it felt smooth a bit squishy and scaly but not slimy and the koala felt fluffy like a possum. Hope your liking monopiy deal and Percy Jackson lightning bolt thief.
    Love Tom
