Monday, June 14, 2010

Gin Gin to Carnarvon

After waking early, we set off at 6.55 (!) , and stopped for breakfast about an hour up the track. By this stage we were on a dirt track in the middle of a cattle station. Most don't seem to have fences, so stock wander across the road and are only retained by the occasional grid (cattle stop). So it was a very scenic breakfast. From there we continued on to Monto and through to Biloela for lunch. Small nondescript places. We reached Rolleston about 3.00 to refuel then it was 1 hour 20 into Carnarvon, the last 30 minutes on a very bumpy dirt track fording a few creeks, kangaroos hopping all around us. Over the day we stopped to check out Ozzie roadkill (kangaroos), and also sighted wedge-tail eagles, an emu and a dingo. Once at the Takarakka Bush Resort, Carnarvon Gorge, we went for a wander to try to spot the resident platypuses with no luck. Maybe in the morning...

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